Monday, June 14, 2010

Crysis Wars environment & SketchUp

Sketch up file.

Crysis file.

Instructions for Crysis!

Drive to stop sign

press k for elevator to come down,

go in elevator, press l for elevator to go up, turn to the left and walk to the desk once elevator stops rising. walk away then walk back. observe change in frame.

go back down (press k) drive to the second elevator press use on the right vending machine (get a drink, walking through the desert is hard work!=P) till it goes up.

once on top walk through the structure. Each computer activates the structure and its lighting system

walk back to the second stop sign and go back on the elevator. press the use button on the left vending machineto come back down.

proceed to the cave stand as close as possible to the door and find the auto trigger (should be near the middle) enter and observe. to exit, walk back to the door approx where the first trigger was and exit.

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